Water Services

RMB Water Laboratory Services

Testing industry and wastewater influent and effluents are essential for protecting our environment. We are able to help industries and municipalities implement the testing required in their NPDES permits. Ground Water Rule (GWR) – Total Coliform Rule (TCR) routine and triggered source water monitoring are available as well, with results reported directly to the Minnesota Department of Health.

It’s essential to have your water checked periodically to ensure that you and your loved ones are consuming no harmful pollutants. RMB Environmental Laboratories tests for a wide range of drinking water contaminants such as nitrates, total coliform bacteria, arsenic, lead, fluoride, and secondary pollutants. Our tests provide accurate, reliable results to inform you of what’s in your water.

Lakes, streams and wetlands provide fish and wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, and beautiful views. Monitoring these waters can provide information for management strategies. Our laboratory is able to detect very low levels of phosphorus (3 ug/L), and our Client Services staff is available to interpret results over the phone at no extra cost. In addition, our team can help with finding grants for surface water monitoring.

If you have your own well it is the homeowner’s responsibility to make sure that the drinking water is safe for consumption. Our laboratory tests for a variety of water contaminants. We are also able to provide independent third party drinking water collection for home sales.

For over 26 years, our Field Services Department has conducted a wide variety of on-site monitoring services for a wide range of industries. Our highly skilled technicians can monitor surface water, drinking water, groundwater and wastewater. In addition, our biological monitoring services include aquatic plant surveys, Zebra mussel veliger collection and macroinvertebrate collection.

RMB Environmental Laboratories has partnered with local municipalities and environmental agencies to create a distribution network for homeowners and small businesses. Our partnered locations have sampling kits available for pick-up Monday – Thursday during regular business hours. Please note that some of our Distribution Partners are Kit distribution only and you must mail your samples USPS or FedEx One Day Shipping.


Environmental Laboratories, Inc.

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